Reviews: Week of 10 March 2010

Action Comics #887

Nightwing and Flamebird take on Jax-Ur and his proto-Rao. Yeah. Let’s just say that they seem a little outgunned. “A little.” But, that doesn’t stop them from trying.  Lois Lane calls in a lot of markers to follow the action and to file a story about the truth behind “the “Kryptonian menace.”  It was nice to see that someone remembers that Lois is actually a journalist… and one with interests other than just airing Lex Luthor’s dirty laundry.

Batgirl #8 / Red Robin #10

Stephanie and Tim: Together again. Kind of. Tim’s still a bit pig-headed about seeing Steph in a costume… esp. a Bat-costume. He’s also apparently unwilling to accept that she’s up to the job… until seeing her take down one of Ra’s al Ghul’s top assassins. Quickly and efficiently.  All this and Vicki Vale.  And, who are “The Twelve?”  (Hint: It’s not the same “Twelve” that Apocalypse was trying to round up.)

Batman and Robin #10

Dick, Damian and Alfred attempt to unravel clues as to the whereabouts (when-abouts?) of Bruce Wayne. And, remember that little trick that Lex Luthor used on Connor Kent a few years back? Talia does/did the same thing to Damian, it seems. That bodes ill.

R.E.B.E.L.S. #14

Vril Dox (Brainiac 2), R.E.B.E.L.S. and the Omega Men go toe-to-toe with Starro. Of course, Dox has a plan.  He built a gun, specifically designed to eliminate Starro’s link to his slaves, and gave it to guest star Adam Strange:

For an archeologist from New Jersey, I find myself fighting cosmic monsters, mad gods and alien tyrants an awful lot.

But this one takes the cake. Starro the Conqueror, a cosmic Genghis Khan who already rules nine galaxies and aims to enslave every sentient mind in the universe.

On my side are Despero of Kalanor and Vril Dox of Colu. It tells you how scary Starro is that i’ve thrown in with such creeps.

And my name?  It’s…

Despero: ADAM STRANGE!  What in the Seven Hells are you waiting for?!

I’m not waiting, Despero.
I’m aiming.

Dox is a super-genius. He forged this weapon to cut off Starro from the zillions of his mind-slaves that are the source of his power.

Strange: *fires gun… with no apparent affect to Starro*

But even the smartest man in space gets it wrong once in a while.

Starro: And what exactly was that supposed to accomplish?
Strange: You got a Plan B?
Dox: We call in the others… and hope we get lucky.

Of course, since we’re dealing with Brainiac 2, it’s a fairly safe bet that “luck” has little to do with it. And, as a casual aside: If you happen to be a Psion and have a lab full of Starrophyte slaves that you’ve pretty much turned into lab rats, whatever you do: Don’t let Starro find out. He gets “a little” touchy about that.

Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #1

Brainiac’s ship appears over the skies of New Krypton. As Shirley Bassey and the Propellorheads would say, “It’s just a little bit of history repeating…”  However, this time it would appear that General Zod has a plan.  Added bonus: The Legion Espionage Squad and Superboy arrive to help.  But, a bit question is left at the end of the story: Who is Brainiac’s new playmate?

S.W.O.R.D. #5

The Drenx invasion kicks into high gear.  Agent Brand and Beast, fighting off dozens of Drenx, race to the Control Room to help Lockheed against Drenx invaders… only to find a wrecked room, many defeated Drenx and Lockheed splinting his forepaw.

Beast: You have changed, my friend. You know that?
Lockheed: [Unintelligible]
Beast: What did he say?
Brand: It’s untranslatable. And physically impossible for humans. Let’s go.

One of the best two-page spreads involve Beta Ray Bill… and a mop, but not in the way you think. (Yes, yes, it’s all “Rated: PG” and “politically correct, don’t worry.) And, Agent Brand makes a deal with Henry Peter Gyrich.

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