Archive for July 17th, 2010

Four-Color Coverage: Catching up

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Well, now that WordBook seems to be working (and now that I have some time to spare again), let’s see what kind of mayhem we can kick up here…

Wonder Woman
Let’s just get this one out of the way right off the bat…

I like the new costume.  Period.

No, it’s not the old star-spangled costume that people are familiar with.
It’s something different.
Like nothing we’ve seen before.

(c) Lil Formers, by Matt Moylan

…or maybe we have seen something like it before, after all.

Either way, it’s a costume change to go along with Diana’s continuity change. She didn’t grow up a princess on Themyscira. She grew up somewhere in America. In hiding. Being taught by the Amazons who secreted her away from her island home before it was destroyed

By the way, for those of you who are going on about “Oh, this is just a riff on Superman’s origin!”  Get over it. The island may have been destroyed but Diana is not “The Last Kryptonian Amazon.” There are others. And they know that “something” happened. And they are going to try and set the timeline back to something approaching what we (as readers) consider “normal.”

It’s not like Diana’s costume hasn’t changed before. It’s gone from a skirt to an almost-biker pants style to bikini shorts to a take-off on Emma Peel’s catsuit… and back… to the “non-Wonder Woman” costume of the 90s (when Diana had been stripped of the title and Artemis was WW)… and back again.

So, just sit back, deal with the change in costume, see where the story goes… and rest assured that the costume will be back in its iconic form (or something close to it) in a few months.

Adventure Comics and Legion of Super-Heroes
I know that I’m seriously biased when it comes to the Legion, but reading these books has been like catching up with old friends after a too-long absence.

And, even better, we get two looks at the team: We get to see the young Legion – and Superboy (Clark Kent) – in Adventure, while LSH serves up the adult version of the team, dealing with the “current” problems of the not-so-United Planets.

Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps
I’m liking the stories that these books are giving readers: Green Lantern is serving up aftermath of Blackest Night and paralleling the Brightest Day storyline, while GLC is showing some internal problems within the Corps (not that readers couldn’t foresee “something” coming from this group months ago)… and the apparent return of a villain last seen at the end of The Sinestro Corps War.

Batman and Robin
Dick Grayson has truly come into his own as “The (not-quite-as) Dark Knight” and Damian Wayne makes an interesting Robin. The tension between Damian and other members of the Bat-family has been interesting to read, as he’s trying to prove himself – to himself as well as everyone else – as a worthy successor to Bruce’s legacy.

Red Robin
Tim Drake, prodigal son of the Wayne Family, has returned to Gotham City.  But, the Gotham that he returns to isn’t quite the same as the one he left. How will he fit in with his friends and family after spending months away, forging a new identity for himself?

Fantastic Four
This has been a solid read for a year or more.

Marvel’s “First Family” actually reads like a family. (What a concept!) The stories have been good – and even “fun” to read, from the “Marquis of Death” storyline to Ben Grimm’s courtship and near-marriage to the recent return of other branches of The Inhumans. I’d gladly recommend this book to new readers.

Power Girl
Yes, Power Girl.  The “other ” Supergirl. I know that there were a lot of rumblings about the book possibly going to Hell in a handbasket when Palmiotti and Conner announced that they were leaving and Winick was named as the new writer, but you know what…?  I liked his first issue on the title. I’m willing to give the man a few issues to see how he handles it.

Uncanny X-Men, Astonishing X-Men and related titles
I’ve been enjoying the X-books of late. I’ve skipped most of the “Necrosha” and “Second Coming” stories, though. I’ve picked up what I can/needed to from the Uncanny and Astonishing titles… and New Mutants, for a while.

I was surprised that the decided to kill Nightcrawler – didn’t see that one coming at all. Although, given the “revolving door of Death” that the X-Men seem to have, I’m not sure that this will be a permanent state. (After all, they just brought Cypher back.) My biggest reason to smile from the X-books comes from seeing a Scott Summers who acts like someone who’s spent half his life getting groomed to be “The Guy.” Not taking crap from anyone. Making the tough calls. And basically telling anyone who disagrees with him to get bent.

Justice League of America and Justice Society of America
I’ve been disappointed with these books. Seriously disappointed. I don’t think that it’s because “The Big Three” aren’t around (in JLA); I’ve read the series without them being in the picture and enjoyed them. And JSA?  I’m not sure where the wheels fell off of this one, but I think that it was around the time that the “Who’s the traitor?” storyline kicked in. Maybe a little before. *shrug* I’ve been in a “If the story looks interesting, I might pick it up” mode with both books… which has me buying them now, because of the Alan Scott/Starheart story that’s weaving through both titles. We’ll see if I continue to pick up either or both book(s) after this story plays out.

Justice League: Generation Lost
“Who is Max Lord?” This is the question at the heart of this book. The man who assembled the Justice League International, rose to become the top of the food chain at Checkmate and hijacked Batman’s metahuman-monitoring OMAC program has returned, in the wake of The Blackest Night. And no one remembers him.

No one… except certain members of the JLI. Being a master manipulator, Max has seen to it that his former team is discredited among the metahuman community and backed against the wall in their quest to find and bring him down. All without leaving any tracks that anyone – even Batman – can follow.

I, Zombie
This book is odd. It’s more like a mystery or thriller, with horror elements thrown in. It’s only three issues in, but I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit.

Superman and Action Comics
J. Michael Straczynski’s “Grounded” storyline has just kicked off in Superman. And I like it. JMS is playing up the “man” in “Superman” and I like the way it’s been reading. I also appreciate the way that he portrays the people that Superman meets along his trek and the way that they (occasionally) interact with each other. I’m interested to see where this takes the characters… and the readers.

Over in Action, it seems as though Metropolis’ other “favorite son” is getting the spotlight. Following his encounter as a “Deputy Lantern” of Agent Orange, Lex Luthor is on a quest for power. And, as we know, Lex doesn’t believe in half measures. This should be a good read.

The Girl of Steel has been through a lot in the past… year-and-a-half… if my math is right. Some things were out of her control. Some things come out of the “Hell of Your Own Making” category. But, she’s survived.

The Gates/Igle creative team has promised us a new direction for Kara, as she finds her place in the DCU. (Again.) I’ve liked the team’s work on this title, so I’ll stick around for a while to see where they – and the powers-that-be at DC – feel that Kara belongs.

The Avengers, Avengers Academy, Secret Avengers
I find myself enjoying the post-Civil/Secret/Sieve Avengers titles.

Seriously. The stories have been, by and large, good. Readable. They don’t make me want to stab my eyes out. I just hope that this is not a fluke and is indicative of a return-to-readability for more Marvel titles than X-Men and Fantastic Four.  (But, I’m still not a fan of John Romita, Jr.’s artwork…)

And with that… I’ll call it “good,” for now.