Archive for March, 2021

Four-Color Coverage: Review and Recap

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

This was from sometime in…. 2015. Or earlier.

It’s been a while, so I think we should just dive right into the thick of things…

Adventure Comics/Legion of Super-Heroes
I know… I know… I gushed about these two books last time. Well, guess what: It’s my blog and I’ll gush if I want to. I’m still really enjoying these two books. So there.

Adventure brings us “classic” Legion stories, but with a few modern twists. No, not really “twists.” They are more like the added features on DVDs. Long-time readers know some or most of the story, but Paul Levitz and Kevin Sharpe fill in a lot of “behind-the-scenes” details. Case in point: The most recent issue features a young Superboy visiting the Superman Museum of the 31st Century. As any good Legion reader knows, Saturn Girl gave a young Kal-El a post-hypnotic suggestion to “forget” most of what he discovered – especially about himself – when he returned to the 20th/21st Century. This time, Kal-El sees something that he really needs to forget:

Yeah, Doomsday. Nothing like seeing the creature that brings about your death immortalized in a museum dedicated to the adult you. Nice touch.

Legion is filled with the adventures of the LSH, but twenty (or so) years down the road timeline. There are new challenges, such as:

  • …the fracturing of the United Planets
  • …or the newest Legion inductee, Earth-Man — who just a couple of years ago, took down the Legion with his xenophobic “Justice League”
  • …or the destruction of Titan — Saturn’s moon and Saturn Girl’s homeworld
  • …or the kidnapping of the Ranzz twins by a follower of… well, do the words “The Great Darkness Saga” ring a bell?

All-in-all, both books have been very satisfying and make for a great ride.

Lex Luthor… playing benevolent messianic figure? Okay, I know it’s not a complete stretch, but he goes to new lengths (or is it heights) when he, to borrow a phrase, “ignores the Prime Directive” and begins sending items to an alien world.  What does he send? Advanced technology… and a message: Superman is “an evil being of great power.” So, what happens when the World’s Finest find out?

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”

In the “Sons of Brainiac” storyline, Vril Dox and his band of… former law enforcers not only take on Brainiac, but also Brainiac 3 and his… pet weapon, Pulsar Stargrave.