A Few Articles About Women in Comics and Fandom

28 April 2014
There have been some excellent articles about women in comics/fandom over the past couple of weeks. Below are some of the items that I’ve come across. There’s a link to each article, followed by a brief excerpt. Check them out.

Comics Alliance: Ask Chris #193 – Let’s Pitch a Wonder Woman Movie
Q: I am sick of hearing that a Wonder Woman movie is too hard. I know how I would do it, but what’s your pitch for a Wonder Woman film? — @Bibphile78

A: A few weeks ago, I probably would’ve backed off of this question, for two simple reasons. The first is that I was pretty sure my specific tastes don’t really match up with what goes into a big-budget Hollywood film, but that was before we knew Marvel was spending a ton of money on a live-action arena show involving dirtbikes and skateboard tricks, and that they’d cast someone who once played Velma in a Scooby-Doo movie to play Aja in a big-budget Jem and the Holograms picture. At this point? I’m pretty sure I’ve somehow ended up being the target market for mass media, and believe me, I’m as surprised about that as you are. So what the hell, let’s pitch a Wonder Woman movie.

The Mary Sue: Greg Rucka Has Something Important to Say About Your Gatekeeping of Women in Geek Culture
[Editor’s Note: With creator Greg Rucka’s permission, we’re republishing a piece he wrote on his personal blog in its entirety. Some strong language to follow from a husband and father who’s fed up. The topic of conversation? The above this past weekend.]

I rarely use this to just blog. I’m going to just blog now, so you can all just ignore this if it’s not to your liking.

Warning. Contents under pressure.  

The Daily Dot: Every Review of Black Widow in ‘Captain America’ Is Wrong
As a pop culture fan, you get used to the fact that mainstream critics are rarely going to share your glowing adoration of trashy entertainment. Justin Bieber albums may sell like hotcakes, but that’s not because they get good reviews.

For me, it’s superhero movies. The genre may have come a long way over the past decade or so, but most film critics are still less than thrilled to evaluate the latest installment of Wolverine Punches the Bad Guy. Luckily, it’s no skin off my back if some middle-aged dude at the New York Times can’t tell the difference between Quicksilver and The Flash.

The divide between fans and critics only becomes a problem when I notice professional reviewers making judgments based on their own preconceptions, rather than what actually took place onscreen. There is no better example of this than the ongoing coverage of Scarlett Johansson’s role as Black Widow in The Avengers franchise. Regardless of what ScarJo says, does, or wears while playing this character, countless well-respected film critics continue to mistake her for a vacuous 1960s Bond Girl.

Comics Alliance: Lady She-Woman: Female Superhero Codenames and Identity
Monica Rambeau is on her fourth superhero codename. In the pages of Mighty Avengers she’s Spectrum, having previously gone by Captain Marvel, Photon and Pulsar. The Captain Marvel identity now belongs to Carol Danvers, also on her fourth codename after Ms. Marvel, Binary and Warbird. Her first codename now belongs to Kamala Khan, the fourth Ms. Marvel after Danvers, Sharon Ventura and Karla Sofen.

But Carol is actually the third woman (and seventh character) to call herself Captain Marvel in the Marvel Universe. The second woman was Phyla-Vell, who was the fourth Captain Marvel after she was the second Quasar, before she was the first Martyr, before she saved herself the trouble of another codename by dying. Oh, those women! They never know who they are!

I’m being facetious, of course. These characters don’t choose their identities; they’re given them by writers and editors. If there’s a problem here, it’s not the women, but how they’re treated.

3 Responses to “A Few Articles About Women in Comics and Fandom”

  1. There are some good articles there. Your super-feminist wife approves.

  2. Thank you for posting things like this…. I think it really helps to have the point or issue be taken more seriously when these articles are re-posted by a guy (sad it seems to be this way). (says the one currently playing ESO, who often completely turns off zone chat, because some people are still insisting that computers don’t belong in the kitchen, so everyone on ESO that claims to be female is actually a G.I.R.L.) /rant off

  3. Speaking as a late-blooming-apprentice-geek, I loved the Greg Rucka article. I’ve often felt a bit out of place because of the society’s silent critic hissing disapprovingly in my brain that women my age don’t act like that or shouldn’t like things like comics and such. It’s been a fun if not a bit hesitant road to go down but it’s nice to know to have so many traveling companions with me supporting even the ones who come late into their Geekdom 🙂

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