Archive for January 26th, 2018

“X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills”

Friday, January 26th, 2018

Are you a fan of the X-Men?

Did you enjoy X2: X-Men United?

Do you like – or even dislike – Magneto?

Do you like well-written stories with great artwork?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you should check out this limited time offer on Amazon: Marvel Graphic Novel #5 – X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills.

Magneto joins forces with the X-Men to determine who was responsible. Their investigation turns up an unlikely – and very well-respected and popular – suspect. The search for the truth takes a long and winding path.

This book was written by Chris Claremont, during the height of his X-Men run, with artwork by Brent Anderson. Some of the references and dialogue do come across as a bit dated, but the story is well-told and worth reading. Also, as loosely noted above, parts of this book were adapted into one of the storylines for X2: X-Men United.

When this book was first released – in 1982 – it sold for $8.95 (USD). You can now get it for only 80 cents. You read that correctly: ZERO dollars and EIGHTY cents. How can you go wrong with a price like that!? (Hint: You can’t!)

Give it a read.