Archive for February 26th, 2010

Reviews: Week of 24 February 2010

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Batman and Robin #9 – Why did Batman kill Batwoman? Why is Batman (but not the same Batman) trying to kill Robin? Who or what came out of the Lazarus Pit?

Blackest Night #7 (of 8 ) – In this issue the Deputy Lanterns and the New Guardians square off against the legions of Black Lanterns, led by Nekron and Black Hand. Lex Luthor has a tantrum… well, not really… it’s more like he finally succumbed to the power of the Orange Ring. Wonder Woman, in trying to rein him in (literally!), get’s Lex to spill a secret. We also see John Stewart and a slew of Lanterns facing a horde of Black Lanterns in near-Earth space. And, we see that Sinestro still needs to prove that he is – or at least can be – the Big Man on Campus.

Given all of the build-up over the past seven issues, I’m curious to see how Geoff Johns wraps this event up.

Buck Rogers #9 – This book is still just good, old-fashioned sci-fi. I really love the way that it is set in the 25th Century, but the stylization of some of the buildings and spacecraft have “retro-futuristic” design elements that look straight out of someone’s early-20th Century imagination.

Readers are also treated to a look at just how feisty (although some would say “headstrong”) the Deering clan can be. And, Buck goes for a joyride… with explosive results.

Fantastic Four #576 – When a mysterious body of water is discovered under the ice in Antarctica, the call goes out to the FF. When Johnny and Ben ask why they’ve been asked to investigate, Reed comes up with a simple, yet adroit, answer:

“Because, is there anything we do better than exploration?”

And with that, the FF are off to the southern polar region.  When they land, the first frames of their disembarking show only boots: Three pair of winter boots…. one pair of red cowboy boots with yellow flames. Johnny’s.  As to the rest of his travel-wear: Swim trunks. (Well-played, Misters Hickman and Eaglesham!)

A couple of years ago, I picked up a phrase from my friend, Dave: “Float rocks,” which is usually used in the context of:

“Hey, did you hear that [SOMEONE] wants [SOME RIDICULOUS REQUEST]?”
“Really? Well, they can go float rocks for all I care.”

After the FF dive into the water, readers are shown a literal version of “…float rocks,” as The Thing – being made of rocks – well… um… sinks. Duh. It made me chuckle to see the way that it was portrayed. This was followed by 11 pages of dialogue-less underwater fighting. At the fight’s end, the FF are brought before the ruling council of Atlantis.  What?  Wait. But… I thought Namor was from Atlantis…

Reed: This isn’t Atlantis.  It’s destroyed… ruins at the bottom of the world.
Councillor #1: Atlantis is the sea, boy.
Councillor #2: Where there is water and life lived in it, there are giants.
Councillor #3: This is simply the way things are.

Huh. Who knew?!  I’ve been enjoying the Hickman/Eaglesham run on Fantastic Four; this issue contines the fun ride.

Flash Rebirth #6 (of 6) – By the end of this issue, readers learn:

  • …learn Iris West’s fate at the hands of Zoom;
  • …learn about lightning rods (with respect to speedsters); and
  • … are treated to one of the best closing lines of any story I’ve read in the past year.

I still have some trepidations about Barry’s return to the DCU. I thought that his death in Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 was one of the best-written deaths in comics. I also appreciated the fact that Barry (more or less) managed to “stay dead” for 25 years. In his appearances since COIE, it’s been maintained that he would/could reappear three (3) times before he passed on to the afterlife. It looks as though he’s been given a reprieve from that fate and given a new lease on life. Hopefully, it will be worth reading about.

G-Man: Cape Crisis #5 of 5 – This issue is the culmination of the quest to get Great Man and G-Man’s powers back. It was still a decent (and fun) read, but it seemed to wrap up a little too quickly.

Superman #697 – Three words: “Legion Espionage Squad.” So, you know that this one had my attention. Mon-El is visited by a few familar faces. Well, they aren’t so familiar to him, but they are to Superboy. The pieces are starting to fall into place as to “why” members of the LSH are in the 21st Century. It looks as though some answers may be forthcoming in Adventure Comics #8.

Wonder Woman #41 – Is there anyone that Gail Simone can’t write? Seriously. The woman has a talent for getting DC’s characters “right.” This issue kicks off with Wonder Woman and Power Girl slugging it out over the skies of Washington, D.C. As an added bonus, readers get to “hear” what’s going on in their minds as they trade blows.

In an aside, Achilles sets about continuing his mission to bring peace to Man’s World. But, what’s his next move?